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Commands Reference

This section contains the following topics:

abandon Command—Cancel Operations

abort Command—Close Bindings

clear access Command—Remove All Static Access Controls

clear allow-search Command—Remove Search Profile Definitions

clear dsas Command—Remove Knowledge of all Remote DSA Definitions

clear dynamic-group Command

clear multi-write-queue Command—Remove Entries from Multi-Write Queue

clear referential-integrity Command—Remove Referential Integrity Rules

clear schema Command—Remove All Schema Information

clear view Command—Remove All View Definitions

close log Command—Stop Output Being Sent to a Log File

dump dxgrid-db Command—Take a Consistent Snapshot Copy of a Datastore

dxserver Command—Start, Stop, Install, or Initialize DSAs

flush log Command—Force All Output to Be Written to a Log File

force-shutdown Command—Force a DSA to Shut Down

get access Command—Display Access Control Settings

get agreement Command—Display a DISP Agreement

get agreements Command—Display All DISP Agreements

get allow-search Command—Display Search profiles

get cache Command—Display the Cache Configuration

get ciphers Command—List All Supported Ciphers

get class-of-service Command—Display the CoS Templates in Use

get dsa Command—Display Information About the DSA

get dsas Command—Display All Known Remote DSAs

get dsp Command—Display the DSP Configuration Values

get dynamic-group Command—Display Any Dynamic Groups

get help Command—Display the DXserver Console Commands

get history Command—Show How Many Console Commands the history Command Will Display

get log Command—List All Log Files

get mib Command

get online-dsa Command—Display the Configuration of a DSA

get online-dsas Command—Display Current Connections to a DSA

get opensslversion Command—Display the OpenSSL Version

get oper Command—Display Operational Settings

get referential-integrity Command—Display Referential Integrity Rules

get schema Command—Display the Schema

get stack Command—Display Communication Settings, Such as Port Numbers

get stats Command—Display Operational Statistics

get trace Command—Display the Trace Settings

get trace-level Command—Display the Trace Level

get user Command—Display the DSA Configuration

get users Command—Display the Current Bindings

get user-threads Command—Display Thread Settings

get view Command—Display View Definitions

help Command—Display Help on a Command

history Command—Display Previously Entered Console Commands

logout Command—Close the DSA Console

reset class-of-service Command

reset stats Command

set access-controls Command—Set Access Controls

set add-oc-parents Command

set admin-user Command—Configure Administrative User Access Level Rights

set agreement Command—Create a DISP Agreement

set alias-integrity Command—Set the DSA to Manage the Integrity of Aliases

set allow-binds Command—Enable or Disable New Bindings on a DSA

set allow-native-prefix-reauthentication Command—Allow Router DSAs to Use a Prefix-mapped User Name to Authenticate

set allow-search Command—Define a Search Profile

set allow-search-default Command—Make One Search Profile the Default

set attr-set Command—Define an Attribute Set

set attribute Command—Define an Attribute

set auth-trap Command—Set the DSA to Raise an SNMP Trap When Authentication Fails

set busy-for-referral Command—Send Busy in Place of LDAP Referrals

set cache-index Command—Specify Attributes to Be Indexed

set cache-index-all-except Command—Specify Attributes Not to Index

set cache-reverse Command—Specify Which Cached Attributes to Reverse-index

set class-of-service Command—Create a Class-of-Service Template

set concurrent-bind-user Command—Allow the DSA to Process Concurrent Binds

set connect-log Command—Record Each Connection in the Connect Log

set credits Command—Limit the Number of Operations per User

set dereference-alias-on-bind Command—Follow Alias on Bind Request

set disable-client-binds Command—Set the DSA to Refuse Client Binds

set disable-transaction-log—Disable or Enable the Transaction Log

set disable-transaction-log-flush—Disable or Enable Transaction Log Flushing

set dsa Command—Define the Knowledge Settings of a DSA

set dsa prefix—Define the Prefix of a DSA

set dxconsole-connect-alert Command—Set Tracing for Console Connections

set dxconsole-users Command—Specify Which Users Can Connect to the DSA Console

set dxgrid-backup-location—Define the Backup Location

set dxgrid-db-location Command—Define the Path to the Datastore

set dxgrid-db-size Command—Define the Size of the Datastore

set dxgrid-tx-location—Define the Transactions Files Location

set dxgrid-queue–Add a Queue in Front of Data Store

set dynamic-group Command

set force-encrypt-anon Command—Force Users to Use SSL on Anonymous Binds

set force-encrypt-auth Command—Force Users to Use SSL on Authenticated Binds

set force-flush-all Command

set group Command—Define an Access Control Group

set history Command—Set the Number of Console Commands the history Command Will Display

set hold-ldap-connections Command

set ignore-name-bindings Command—Allow the DSA to Operate Without Name Bindings

set keep-order-of-values Command—Keep Order of Values for Attribute Types

set limit-search-exceptions Command—Let Some Users Bypass Complex Search Limits

set limit-search-exceptions-browse Command—Let Some Users Bypass Browse Search Limits

set log Command

set lookup-cache Command—Enable Memory-Mapped File

set max-bind-time Command

set max-cache-index-size Command

set max-local-ops Command

set max-op-size Command

set max-op-time Command

set max-pdu-size Command

set max-users Command

set mimic-netscape-for-siteminder Command

set modify-on-add Command

set multi-write-error-trap Command

set multi-write-queue Command

set multi-write-retry-time Command

set name-binding Command

set object-class Command

set oid-prefix Command

set op-attrs Command

set op-error-trap Command

set password-age Command

set password-age-warning-period Command

set password-allow-ignore-expired Command

set password-allow-ignore-suspended Command

set password-allow-locking Command

set password-alpha Command

set password-alpha-num Command

set password-enforce-quality-on-reset Command

set password-force-change Command

set password-grace-logins Command

set password-history Command

set password-last-use Command

set password-lowercase Command

set password-max-length Command

set password-max-repetition Command

set password-max-substring-repetition Command

set password-max-suspension Command

set password-mimic-netscape-response-controls Command

set password-min-age Command

set password-min-length Command

set password-min-length-repeated-substring Command

set password-netscape-op-attrs Command

set password-non-alpha Command

set password-non-alpha-num Command

set password-numeric Command

set password-policy Command

set password-proxy-user Command

set password-retries Command

set password-storage Command

set password-substring-attrs Command

set password-suspended-trap Command

set password-uppercase Command

set password-username-substring Command

set persistent-search Command

set protected-items Command—Configure Protected Items Access Level Controls

set prune-oc-parents Command

set public-user Command—Configure Anonymous User Access Level Rights

set query-log-show-eis Command—Show or Hide eis Information in Query log

set referential-integrity Command

set rdn-order Command—Specify Attribute Order

set reg-user Command—Configure Registered User Access Level Rights

set relaxed-not-search Command

set return-oc-parents Command

set role-subtree Command

set ssl Command—Configure SSL

set ssl-auth-bypass-entry-check Command

set super-user Command—Configure Super User Access Level Rights

set syntax-alias Command

set time-log-search-threshold Command—Limit The Display of Compare and Search Operations in the Time Log

set time-log-update-threshold Command—Limit the Display of Update Operations in the Time Log

set trace Command—Define Trace Levels

set transparent-routing Command

set trap-on-update Command

set trap-on-update-verbose Command

set trust-sasl-proxy Command

set unique-attrs Command—Enable Checks for Uniqueness of Attribute Values

set unique-attrs-subtree Command—Enable Checks for Uniqueness Within a Subtree

set update-log-show-values Command

set use-dynamic-roles Command

set use-roles Command

set user-idle-time Command

set user-threads Command—Define the Number of Threads for Requests

set view Command—Define a View

shutdown Command

trace Command

trace disable assoc Command

trace enable assoc Command

unbind Command

update agreement Command

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