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set relaxed-not-search Command

The set relaxed-not-search command lets you interpret NOT in the non-standard manner supported by some other directories.

Normally, CA Directory handles NOT in LDAP searches according to this standard: ISO/IEC 9594-3 : 2001 (E) Section 7.8.2 Filter item, 4th paragraph. However, some other directories handle this differently. If you set this command to true, CA Directory will handle NOT in searches in this non-standard way.

For example, if relaxed-not-search is set to true, and you search for "description not equal M*", the search returns the entries that contain no description, and the entries that have a description and the description does not start with M.

If you run the same search while relaxed-not-search is not set or is set to false, the same search returns only those entries that have a description and the description does not start with M.

To display the value of this setting, use the get oper command.

This command has the following format:

set relaxed-not-search = true | false;

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