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history Command—Display Previously Entered Console Commands

The history command displays previously entered console commands. You can use this to simply view the previously entered console commands, or you can re-use the commands.

This command has the following format:


You can also shorten this command to:


Each command is displayed with a unique consecutive number. To reuse a command, enter the number, followed by a semi-colon, that corresponds to the command you want to use. For example:


At any time you can reuse the last command you entered, by entering:


For information on how to set the number of previous commands this history command will display, see set history.

Example: Get the history and reuse a previous command

The following example shows how to use the set history and history commands. In this example, the user sets the number of items returned by the history command to 5, then gets the history, and then reuses the get cache command. The user input is indicated by bold text.

dsa> set history = 5;
dsa> history;
dsa>     10 get dsp;
dsa>     11 get log;
dsa>     12 get cache;
dsa>     13 bind-req;
dsa>     14 search-req base-object = <c AU>;
dsa> 12;

More information:

get history Command—Show How Many Console Commands the history Command Will Display

set history Command—Set the Number of Console Commands the history Command Will Display

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