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set agreement Command—Create a DISP Agreement

This command has the following format:

set agreement id.version =
	initiator	= dsaname { supplier | consumer } 
	responder	= dsaname { anonymous | clear-password | ssl-auth }
	[relay		= dsaname { anonymous | clear-password | ssl-auth }]
	area		= DN
	[filter	= search-filter ]
	[attributes	= attribute-list ]
	[strategy	= onchange | frequency time type ]

Example: Create a DISP Agreement

set agreement 0.0 =
initiator = EAGLE supplier
responder = BACKUP anonymous
area      = <c AU><o Democorp>
strategy  = daily 03:00 incremental

Example: Create a Selective Shadowing Agreement

set agreement 2.1 =
initiator = EAGLE supplier
responder = BACKUP anonymous
area = <c AU><o Democorp>
filter = { attr = objectClass value = organizationalPerson }
attributes = { { exclude = title, description, telephoneNumber } }
strategy = on-change

More information:

Set a DSA to Use DISP Replication

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