This command has the following format:
set agreement id.version = { initiator = dsaname { supplier | consumer } responder = dsaname { anonymous | clear-password | ssl-auth } [relay = dsaname { anonymous | clear-password | ssl-auth }] area = DN [filter = search-filter ] [attributes = attribute-list ] [strategy = onchange | frequency time type ] };
The agreement identification and version numbers (for example, 1.2).
The DSA initiating the DISP update:
The name of the initiating DSA.
Specifies that the initiating DSA is acting as a supplier.
Specifies that the initiating DSA is acting as a consumer.
The DSA receiving the DISP update.
The name of the responding DSA.
Specifies that the responding DSA can receive an anonymous connection.
Specifies that the responding DSA requires a user ID and password.
Specifies that the responding DSA requires a SSL authentication.
(Optional) Specifies an intermediate DSA used to relay the DISP update:
Names the relay DSA.
Specifies that the relay DSA can receive an anonymous connection.
Specifies that the relay DSA requires a user ID and password.
Specifies that the relay DSA requires a SSL authentication.
Specifies the distinguished name of the entry at the top of the subtree covered by this agreement.
(Optional) Specifies an X500 search filter that restricts the entries to be included in the DISP update.
(Optional) Specifies a comma-separated list of attributes to include or exclude from the DISP update.
(Optional) Enables automatic DISP updates, or specifies when the updates will take place:
Enables automatic DISP updates.
Specifies the update frequency. Use one of the following values: hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.
Specifies the time at which the update will occur. Use one of these formats: dd:hh:mm or hh:mm.
Specifies the type of update. Use one of the following values: incremental or full.
Example: Create a DISP Agreement
set agreement 0.0 = {
initiator = EAGLE supplier responder = BACKUP anonymous area = <c AU><o Democorp> strategy = daily 03:00 incremental
Example: Create a Selective Shadowing Agreement
set agreement 2.1 = {
initiator = EAGLE supplier responder = BACKUP anonymous area = <c AU><o Democorp> filter = { attr = objectClass value = organizationalPerson } attributes = { { exclude = title, description, telephoneNumber } } strategy = on-change
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