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trace enable assoc Command

The trace enable assoc command traces the requests/responses occurring on a specified binding. You will see no difference if used with x500 tracing.

Before you use the trace enable assoc command, use the get users command to find out the binding number.

This command has the following format:

trace enable assoc = binding-number;

Example: trace enable assoc

This example shows how to disable all tracing, find out a binding number, and then trace all requests and responses occurring on that binding:

dsa> trace none;
trace none;
dsa> get users;
get users;

Association 2: connected for 34 seconds, idle for 25 seconds
Association 2: bound using LDAP (peer as ANONYMOUS

Total Associations: 1
dsa> trace enable assoc = 2;
trace enable assoc = 2;

        invoke-id = 11   credit = 4
    Base object:
        <countryName "AU">
        <organizationName "Data">
        <organizationalUnitName "People">
        <commonName "Passadmin">
    Don't Search Aliases

        invoke-id = 11   credit = 1
    Entry:  (leaf)
        <countryName "AU">
        <organizationName "Data">
        <organizationalUnitName "People">
        <commonName "Passadmin">
        (objectClass inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson, person, top)
        (userPassword "{SHA}hvfkN/qlp/zhXR3cuerq6jd2Z7g=")
        (commonName "Passadmin")
        (surname "Smithaa")
        (initials "aa")

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