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set admin-user Command—Configure Administrative User Access Level Rights

This command grants specified access rights at the administrative user access level, to specified users, over a specified scope.

Access rights granted at this access level cannot be taken away by other access control rules.

Administrative user access controls rules are effective only when you enable access controls.

This command has the following format:

set admin-user [tag] = { 
[attrs	= attribute-list]
[perms	= permission-list]
[auth-level	= simple | ssl-auth]
[validity	= [start hhmm end hhmm] [on day]]

Example: Give Administrative Access to All Users in a Subtree

The following command gives all users in the Finance subtree access to the Corporate subtree:

set admin-user "Finance-Users" = {
 user-subtree = <c "AU"><o "Democorp"><ou "Corporate"><ou "Finance">
 subtree = <c "AU"><o "Democorp"><ou "Corporate">

Example: Give Administrative Privileges to a Role

The command in this example gives users in the role project-leader-group read and update privileges to the Technology SIG entry if they bind to the DSA using SSL authentication:

set admin-user "project-leaders" = {
 role	= <c "AU"><o "Democorp"><ou "roles"><cn "project-leader-group">
 entry	= <c "AU"><o "Democorp"><ou "R&D"><listName "Technology SIG">
 auth-level	= ssl-auth

Example: Let Users Update a Single Attribute

The command in this example lets all users in the group pabx-mgmt-group update the attribute workPhone in the R&D subtree:

set admin-user "work-phone" = {
 group	= "pabx-mgmt-group"
 subtree	= <c "AU"><o "Democorp"><ou "R&D">
 attrs	= workPhone

Example: Let Users Update Some Attributes in Their Own Entry

The command in this example gives all users in the R&D subtree permission to update the values of the attributes workPhone and description in their own entry only:

set admin-user "my-own-work-details" = {
 subtree	= <c "AU"><o "Democorp"><ou "R&D">
 attrs	= workPhone, description

More information:

Groups and Roles

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