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set allow-native-prefix-reauthentication Command—Allow Router DSAs to Use a Prefix-mapped User Name to Authenticate

The set allow-native-prefix-reauthentication command allows a router DSA to use a prefix-mapped user name to authenticate to this DSA.

This is useful in the following situtation: If DSA A and DSA B both have a native prefix and if the router has accessed DSA A on behalf of a client application, and this same client application tries to access DSA B, and if in addition the router cannot bind to DSA B because the username apparently doesn't address an entry in DSA B but the previously prefix-mapped username from the access to DSA A is apparently in the non-prefix-mapped DSA B, the router will use this prefix-mapped username to authenticate to DSA B.

This command has the following format:

set allow-native-prefix-reauthentication = <bool>;

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