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dump dxgrid-db Command—Take a Consistent Snapshot Copy of a Datastore

The dump dxgrid-db command takes a consistent snapshot copy of the datastore of a running DSA (an online dump). The DSA completes any updates before carrying out this command and does not start any more updates until the copy is finished.

The datastore file is copied to a file with an extension starting .z so the database file is dxgrid-db.zdb.

Note: Each dump overwrites the previous backup file. Create a cron job on UNIX or a scheduled task on Windows to copy the backed up file to a safe location before the next dump.

The DXdumpdb tool can export data from a datastore created by the dump command.

The command has the following format:

dump dxgrid-db [period start period];

Example: Perform an Online Dump Every Hour

The following command takes a snapshot copy of the datastore every hour:

dump dxgrid-db period 0 3600

Example: Perform an Online Dump Every Night

The following command takes a snapshot copy of the datastore every night at 3 a.m. in a GMT+10:00 time zone:

dump dxgrid-db period 61200 86400

In this example, the start time is the number of seconds from Sunday midnight GMT to the first 3 a.m. slot, corrected by the time zone value, as follows:

(3 am – 10 time zone + 24 hours) * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 61,200

The 24 hour period is calculated as follows:

24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 86,400

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