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How to Set Up SSMGA

The SSMGA setup requirements for OPS/MVS parameter settings, auto-enabled rules, REXX programs, resource table columns, and action table entries are discussed in this section. These requirements apply to all systems that you want to participate in the global SSMplex.

To set up one system, follow Steps 1-8. To replicate these changes to external systems, follow Step 9. Follow Step 10 after you complete the setup on one or more systems.

  1. Activate the SSM Global Event Facility.
  2. Deactivate SSM processing.
  3. Update the SSM Global Event Facility.
  4. Set the parameters.
  5. Auto-Enable rules.
  6. Add SSM resource table columns.
  7. Enter resource configuration values.
  8. Add SSM action table entries.
  9. Replicate parameters, RDF tables, and rules.
  10. Activate SSM processing and verify the setup.