Previous Topic: Step 6: Add SSM Resource Table ColumnsNext Topic: Step 8: Add SSM Action Table Entries

Step 7: Enter Resource Configuration Values

Once the required columns have been added to the resource tables, enter the column data values.

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter values for nonmovable resources
  2. Enter values for all movable resources:
  3. Assign optional group names to both movable and nonmovable resources by entering values in the group names column.
  4. Define cross-system resource prerequisites by updating the prereq column with the full cross-system name of the resource:

    For movable resource workloads that must always run on the same system, the following user designed prereq is provided in SSMGA to indicate system affinity with the base resource of the workload group:


    This prereq prevents moved resources from starting on the new system until all the resources in the group have shutdown and moved to the new system.

  5. Populate the alternate system list column with the desired system names specified in the order they are to be selected.

You can update any combination of the PRIMARY_SYSTEM, SSM#MOVMOD and the SSM#SYSLST column for a single resource by using the SSMGAMRS routine that your SYS1.CCLXEXEC library contains. It is particularly useful for modifying multiple copies of a movable resource without having to modify each copy manually. The syntax of SSMGAMRS, together with all possible keywords, is as follows:


Is required and refers to an individual resource that you want to modify. Specify table.resource with, or without the primary system portion of the name. At least one keyword of PRISYS, MOVMOD or SYS***.


SYSLST or SYSADD and/or SYSDEL must be specified alongside this resource name.


Can be used to change the primary system name of the resource. It must be in the format system.subsys. If used in combination with SSMPLEX keyword, every copy of the specified resource has its PRIMARY_SYSTEM column updated to the value you specified here. If a new Primary system is specified, and it appears in the current system list of the resource you are modifying, then it is removed from the system list (unless a new complete SYSLST is also specified).


Can be used to specify a new move mode for the resource.


Can be used to specify a new complete system list to go in the SSM#SYSLST column for the resource. It will replace any existing values in the SSM#SYSLST column if used.


Can be used to add a single new system to the existing SSM#SYSLST column for the resource. It consists of two comma-separated operands: the system name in the format system.subsys and the position in SSM#SYSLST that the new system name is placed. For example, SYSADD(SYSA.OPSS,1) adds system SYSA.OPSS to the front of the system list in column SSM#SYSLST for the resource specified.


Can be used with or without SYSADD to remove system names. The value *ALL indicates an empty SYSLST.


Accepts a list of system names in the format system.subsys. Only copies of the resource on those systems in the list are updated.


Accepts the name of an SSMPLEX that the resource is part of. Only copies of the resource on that SSMPLEX will be modified. If SSMPLEX is not specified then the resource on all MSF connected systems in the current system SSMPLEXNAME are updated. If SSMPLEX(NONE) is specified, then only the system names in the SSM#SYSLST are updated together with the primary system.