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PREREQ and SSM#GRPLST Resource Column Changes

In addition to updating the GST with LST status information, the system specific subtask examines the PREREQ and SSM#GRPLST resource columns for changes.

Once the system record is updated in the LST by the global system, the local system processing phase of SSMGAGBL running in the SSM subtask occurs. If the LST system record has a GUTIME that is greater than the maximum GUTIME previously read by local processing (LRTIME) then local processing will read any updated remote status records and any movable resource local records whose GUTIME is greater than LRTIME. Remote status records only exist in the LST. Movable local resource status is propagated to the actual SSM resource records. Non-movable local resource status is never read back from the GST. The highest GUTIME processed by local system processing becomes the new system record LRTIME.