Previous Topic: Step 8: Add SSM Action Table EntriesNext Topic: Step 10: Activate SSM Processing and Verify the Setup

Step 9: Replicate Parameters, RDF Tables, and Rules

Each eligible system (the primary system and all alternate systems) for each movable resource must have an identical resource table definition, an identical associated action table, and identical AOF rules (if not using shared AOF rule sets) for that movable resource. Required SSMGA parameters must be set on each system that participates in the global SSMplex.

Note: Before you execute this step, we recommend that you deactivate SSM processing on each system that participates in the global SSMplex by setting the STATEMAN parameter as follows:


Follow these steps:

  1. On each eligible system, replicate resource tables containing movable resources by using the copy function of either the RDF Table Editor (OPSVIEW 2.6) or the SSM Resource Editor (OPSVIEW 4.11.R).
  2. On each eligible system, replicate action tables that are associated with resource tables containing movable resources by using the copy function of either the RDF Table Editor (OPSVIEW 2.6) or the SSM Action Editor (OPSVIEW 4.11.A).
  3. If not using shared AOF rule sets, on each eligible system, replicate and auto-enable any AOF rules (such as start, stop, state detection, and so on) for a movable resource.
  4. If not using a shared OPSPA00 initialization OPS/REXX program, update the OPSPA00 initialization OPS/REXX program with the required SSMGA parameters on each system that participates in the global SSMplex.