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Step 5: Auto-Enable Rules

In addition to the normal SSM resource status rules, SSMGA execution requires that you enable the following AOF rules be enabled before you initialize SSM:


Performs the AUTOHOME functionality.

This message rule detects the startup of SSMGA and enables the dynamic TOD Rule which executes the AUTOHOME procedure by starting the SSMGAATH OPS/REXX program.


Notifies SSMGA of a change in an MSF connection status.

This message rule posts the SSM subtask when the status of an MSF CCI connection changes to ACTIVE or INACTIVE.


Notifies SSMGA of a potential MSF connection failure.

This message rule posts the SSM subtask when the monitor task issues the OPS3440O message.


Notifies the SSMGA global system that CA OPS/MVS is terminating.

If MSF is already terminated, the early notification may not complete and the global system knows of the termination when its own MSF link with the terminating system goes inactive. This message rule also deletes any outstanding WTORs issued by the local SSMGA application that may be in a wait state.


Performs both global and local resource processing.

The SSM subtask invokes this request rule. True global processing is only performed when the system is the designated global system. Local processing consists of reading new or updated resource status records for the local system and updating the local status table and replicated movable SSM resources.


Keeps the local status table synchronized with the SSM resource table changes.

The SSM global events invokes this request rule. Changed LST records are ultimately reflected in the global status table and selectively distributed to the LSTs of other systems dependent on the status of cross-system prereq/subreq resources.


Notifies SSMGA of a change in an MSF connection status.

This message rule posts the SSM subtask when the status of an MSF APPC connection changes to ACTIVE or INACTIVE.

Note: When enabled, this rule changes the severity of message OPS3504I to J.


Executes the SUBREQ process events for subreq evaluation.

This request rule checks for moveable resources running on a remote system and removes them from the MISSING_PREREQ column of local resources.


Directs command replies to the console.

This command rule is the operator interface for queries and commands directed to the global system. When a command is issued from a real or extended console the command replies are directed back to this console. Otherwise, replies are issued as generic WTOs.

This command rule supports the following commands:


Displays all SSMGA SSMplex names whose global systems are MSF connected to the system issuing this command. This command determines which SSMplex names can be used in other SSMGA commands that are sent to an SSMGA global system for execution.

DSYSTEMS ssmplex

Displays the status of all systems that are in the specified SSMplex.

DGROUPS ssmplex grpname [MEMBERS]

Displays the number of resources that are members of the specified group name. In addition, lists the members of that group when the optional keyword MEMBERS is present. Member names appear in the format


Displays status information for the resource name specified.

MRES ssmplex resname TOSYS(sysname) DESIRED(desired state)

Moves the movable resource to a new system and sets the desired state to designated value.

SSYS ssmplex sysname [ GLOBAL PLEXNAME(ssmplex) PRIORITY(0-999)]

Changes the OPS/MVS SSMGA parameter values on the indicated system.

  • PRIORITY changes the global priority value of the system.
  • PLEXNAME changes the SSMplex name to a new name.
  • GLOBAL forces the indicated system to become the SSMGA global system provided the priority is greater than zero.
MGROUP ssmplex groupname TOSYS(sysname) DESIRED(desired state)

Moves the movable resources in the specified group to a new system and sets the desired state to designated value.

UGROUP ssmplex groupname START/STOP

Starts or Stops all of the resources in the specified group.

URES ssmplex resname
                     ACTMODE(action mode) SCHMODE(I/A) 
                     CURRENT(current state) DESIRED(desired state)]

Updates the resource with the corresponding new column values.

Note: The SCHMODE(I/A) parameter of URES lets you set the value of the SCHEDMODE column for a specific resource. If the value is set to inactive, then the Schedule Manager reset processing bypasses any updates to the DESIRED_STATE column of this resource. For more information, see the chapter "Using Schedule Manager."

HELP command

Displays the syntax for the indicated command

Syntax Notes:


Executes the XPREREQ and XSUBREQ process events for cross-system prereq/subreq evaluation.

This request rule uses the remote resource status records created and transmitted by the global system to the LST of the local system to evaluate each xprereq/xsubreq relationship. The global system determines the required remote status records by analyzing the prereq column specifications of each local resource on every system in the group.