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Step 4: Set the Parameters

You adjust the CA OPS/MVS parameter settings.

Follow these steps:

  1. Assign an SSMPLEXNAME and SSMPRIORITY to each system that participates in an SSMGA global status management complex.
    SSMPLEXNAME=SSMplex name

    SSMplex name (eight chars max) is the collective name for all systems in an SSMplex. To be an SSMplex member, a system must have an MSF connection to at least one other system, and both must have the same SSMPLEXNAME.

    SSMPRIORITY=priority value

    The Global selection priority (0-999).

    A priority of zero prevents a system from becoming a global system. If no global system is active or the global system goes offline, the eligible system having the highest SSMPRIORITY becomes the global system. For a system to be eligible, it must have an MSF connection to all other systems in the SSMplex, and must be operating normally. If after a global system is selected, a higher priority system becomes eligible to be the global system, the global system does not change automatically. To select any eligible system as the new global system, use the special priority of 1000. SSMGA makes the system that you set to priority 1000 the new global system, and then restore the original priority of the new global system.

    Once you move a global system, the new system gathers data from the other systems. During this time, it is normal for the SETSYS processing display to show two global systems briefly in OPSLOG.

  2. Activate the subtask for SSMGA. SSM allows the creation of a separate SSM subtask whose primary function is to perform asynchronous operations on behalf of the primary SSM task.

    To activate the subtask for SSMGA, specify the following parameters:

    SSMSUBPREFIX=RDF table name prefix (6 chars max)

    The Suggested RDF table name prefix: 'SSMGA_'

    The subtask is activated by specifying a request rule name other than 'NONE' for the SSMSUBRULE parameter. Each time the SSM subtask is posted, the specified request rule is invoked. The SSMSUBPREFIX specifies an RDF table name prefix that results in a post of the SSM subtask whenever a prefix matching table modification is made by any task other than SSM and the SSM subtask. In addition, a POST(SSMSUB) operand is available on the OPSSMTBL POI command for on demand posting of the SSM subtask from any environment without a table modification.

    Note: Note: Leave the SSMSUBRULE parameter set to NONE (default) until all other changes to an existing SSM configuration are made. Then set the STATEMAN parameter back to ACTIVE. See Step 10.

    SSMGA creates the following GLOBAL TEMPORARY tables using the SSMSUBPREFIX value specified:

  3. Increase the value of the AOFSIZE parameter.

    The AOFSIZE parameter determines the size of the AOF workspace, which is used to store REXX variables. You can increase the value of the AOFSIZE parameter, depending on its current value and the number of SSM resources defined. Error message OPS0998E indicates that the value of parameter AOFSIZE to increase.

  4. Increase the value of the GLOBALTEMPMAX parameter.

    The GLOBALTEMPMAX parameter determines the maximum number of temporary global variables that OPS/MVS can create. Temporary global variables are used to store the RDF tables. You can increase the value of the GLOBALTEMPMAX parameter, depending on its current value and the number of SSM resources defined. Error message OPS7593O indicates that the value of parameter GLOBALTEMPMAX to increase.

  5. Increase the value of the SQLPOOLSIZE parameter.

    The SQLPOOLSIZE parameter determines the size of the storage pool that the RDF uses to contain SQL data. You can increase the value of the SQLPOOLSIZE parameter, depending on its current value and the number of SSM resources defined. Error message OPS3032T indicates that the value of parameter SQLPOOLSIZE to increase.

  6. Increase the value of the MSFPOOLSIZE parameter.

    The MSFPOOLSIZE parameter determines the size of the storage pool that MSF uses to contain data being passed between CA OPS/MVS systems through MSF. You can increase the value of the SQLPOOLSIZE parameter, depending on its current value and the number of SSM resources defined. Error message OPS3032T indicates that the value of parameter MSFPOOLSIZE to increase.

  7. Activate the AUTOHOME functionality.

    Set the parameter SSMAUTOHOME=YES to enable the functionality to move resources back to their home system once this system becomes active.

  8. Activate the prerequisite checking.

    Set the parameter SSMGAPREREQCHK=YES to enable the premove prerequisite validation for an initial assignment of a resource at initialization, system recovery, and resource movement commands.

    Note: Use the keyword PRECHK for movement commands to prevent the move explicitly when missing prerequisites found.

  9. (Optional) Set the SSMREXSTXTUPDT parameter.

    Set the SSMRESTXTUPDT parameter to No to prevent the updating of the resource text in the local table by SSM resource updates.

    Leave SSMRESTXTUPDT set to Yes (default) to keep the RESOURCE_TEXT column synchronized across all inactive copies of the resource. The active copy will not be propagated to unsynchronized copies.