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An assertion is an element that runs after a step and all its filters have run. An assertion verifies that the results from running the step match the expectations. An assertion is typically used to change the flow of a test case or virtual service model. Global assertions apply to each step in a test case or virtual service model. For more information, see Assertions in Using CA Application Test.


An asset is a set of configuration properties that are grouped into a logical unit. For more information, see Assets in Using CA Application Test.

audit document

An audit document lets you set success criteria for a test, or for a set of tests in a suite. For more information, see Building Audit Documents in Using CA Application Test.


A companion is an element that runs before and after every test case execution. Companions can be understood as filters that apply to the entire test case instead of to single test steps. Companions are used to configure global (to the test case) behavior in the test case. For more information, see Companions in Using CA Application Test.


A configuration is a named collection of properties that usually specify environment-specific values for the system under test. Removing hard-coded environment data enables you to run a test case or virtual service model in different environments simply by changing configurations. The default configuration in a project is named project.config. A project can have many configurations, but only one configuration is active at a time. For more information, see Configurations in Using CA Application Test.

Continuous Service Validation (CVS) Dashboard

The Continuous Validation Service (CVS) Dashboard lets you schedule test cases and test suites to run regularly, over an extended time period. For more information, see Continuous Validation Service (CVS) in Using CA Application Test.

conversation tree

A conversation tree is a set of linked nodes that represent conversation paths for the stateful transactions in a virtual service image. Each node is labeled with an operation name, such as withdrawMoney. An example of a conversation path for a banking system is getNewToken, getAccount, withdrawMoney, deleteToken. For more information, see Using CA Service Virtualization.


A coordinator receives the test run information as documents, and coordinates the tests that are run on one or more simulator servers. For more information, see Coordinator Server in Using CA Application Test.

data protocol

A data protocol is also known as a data handler. In CA Service Virtualization, it is responsible for handling the parsing of requests. Some transport protocols allow (or require) a data protocol to which the job of creating requests is delegated. As a result, the protocol has to know the request payload. For more information, see Using Data Protocols in Using CA Service Virtualization.

data set

A data set is a collection of values that can be used to set properties in a test case or virtual service model at run time. Data sets provide a mechanism to introduce external test data into a test case or virtual service model. Data sets can be created internal to DevTest, or externally (for example, in a file or a database table). For more information, see Data Sets in Using CA Application Test.


Desensitizing is used to convert sensitive data to user-defined substitutes. Credit card numbers and Social Security numbers are examples of sensitive data. For more information, see Desensitizing Data in Using CA Service Virtualization.


An event is a message about an action that has occurred. You can configure events at the test case or virtual service model level. For more information, see Understanding Events in Using CA Application Test.


A filter is an element that runs before and after a step. A filter gives you the opportunity to process the data in the result, or store values in properties. Global filters apply to each step in a test case or virtual service model. For more information, see Filters in Using CA Application Test.


A group, or a virtual service group, is a collection of virtual services that have been tagged with the same group tag so they can be monitored together in the VSE Console.

Interactive Test Run (ITR)

The Interactive Test Run (ITR) utility lets you run a test case or virtual service model step by step. You can change the test case or virtual service model at run time and rerun to verify the results. For more information, see Using the Interactive Test Run (ITR) Utility in Using CA Application Test.


A lab is a logical container for one or more lab members. For more information, see Labs and Lab Members in Using CA Application Test.

magic date

During a recording, a date parser scans requests and responses. A value matching a wide definition of date formats is translated to a magic date. Magic dates are used to verify that the virtual service model provides meaningful date values in responses. An example of a magic date is {{=doDateDeltaFromCurrent("yyyy-MM-dd","10");/*2012-08-14*/}. For more information, see Magic Strings and Dates in Using CA Service Virtualization.

magic string

A magic string is a string that is generated during the creation of a service image. A magic string is used to verify that the virtual service model provides meaningful string values in the responses. An example of a magic string is {{=request_fname;/chris/}}. For more information, see Magic Strings and Dates in Using CA Service Virtualization.

match tolerance

Match tolerance is a setting that controls how CA Service Virtualization compares an incoming request with the requests in a service image. The options are EXACT, SIGNATURE, and OPERATION. For more information, see Match Tolerance in Using CA Service Virtualization.


Metrics let you apply quantitative methods and measurements to the performance and functional aspects of your tests, and the system under test. For more information, see Generating Metrics in Using CA Application Test.

Model Archive (MAR)

A Model Archive (MAR) is the main deployment artifact in DevTest Solutions. MAR files contain a primary asset, all secondary files that are required to run the primary asset, an info file, and an audit file. For more information, see Working with Model Archives (MARs) in Using CA Application Test.

Model Archive (MAR) Info

A Model Archive (MAR) Info file is a file that contains information that is required to create a MAR. For more information, see Working with Model Archives (MARs) in Using CA Application Test.

navigation tolerance

Navigation tolerance is a setting that controls how CA Service Virtualization searches a conversation tree for the next transaction. The options are CLOSE, WIDE, and LOOSE. For more information, see Navigation Tolerance in Using CA Service Virtualization.

network graph

The network graph is an area of the Server Console that displays a graphical representation of the DevTest Cloud Manager and the associated labs. For more information, see Start a Lab in Using CA Application Test.


Internal to DevTest, a test step can also be referred to as a node, explaining why some events have node in the EventID.


A path contains information about a transaction that the Java Agent captured. For more information, see Using CA Continuous Application Insight.

path graph

A path graph contains a graphical representation of a path and its frames. For more information, see Path Graph in Using CA Continuous Application Insight.


A project is a collection of related DevTest files. The files can include test cases, suites, virtual service models, service images, configurations, audit documents, staging documents, data sets, monitors, and MAR info files. For more information, see Project Panel in Using CA Application Test.


A property is a key/value pair that can be used as a run-time variable. Properties can store many different types of data. Some common properties include LISA_HOME, LISA_PROJ_ROOT, and LISA_PROJ_NAME. A configuration is a named collection of properties. For more information, see Properties in Using CA Application Test.

quick test

The quick test feature lets you run a test case with minimal setup. For more information, see Stage a Quick Test in Using CA Application Test.


The registry provides a central location for the registration of all DevTest Server and DevTest Workstation components. For more information, see Registry in Using CA Application Test.

service image (SI)

A service image is a normalized version of transactions that have been recorded in CA Service Virtualization. Each transaction can be stateful (conversational) or stateless. One way to create a service image is by using the Virtual Service Image Recorder. Service images are stored in a project. A service image is also referred to as a virtual service image (VSI). For more information, see Service Images in Using CA Service Virtualization.


A simulator runs the tests under the supervision of the coordinator server. For more information, see Simulator Server in Using CA Application Test.

staging document

A staging document contains information about how to run a test case. For more information, see Building Staging Documents in Using CA Application Test.


A subprocess is a test case that another test case calls. For more information, see Building Subprocesses in Using CA Application Test.

test case

A test case is a specification of how to test a business component in the system under test. Each test case contains one or more test steps. For more information, see Building Test Cases in Using CA Application Test.

test step

A test step is an element in the test case workflow that represents a single test action to be performed. Examples of test steps include Web Services, JavaBeans, JDBC, and JMS Messaging. A test step can have DevTest elements, such as filters, assertions, and data sets, attached to it. For more information, see Building Test Steps in Using CA Application Test.

test suite

A test suite is a group of test cases, other test suites, or both that are scheduled to execute one after other. A suite document specifies the contents of the suite, the reports to generate, and the metrics to collect. For more information, see Building Test Suites in Using CA Application Test.

think time

Think time is how long a test case waits before executing a test step. For more information, see Add a Test Step (example) and Staging Document Editor - Base Tab in Using CA Application Test.

transaction frame

A transaction frame encapsulates data about a method call that the DevTest Java Agent or a CAI Agent Light intercepted. For more information, see Business Transactions and Transaction Frames in Using CA Continuous Application Insight.

Virtual Service Environment (VSE)

The Virtual Service Environment (VSE) is a DevTest Server application that you use to deploy and run virtual service models. VSE is also known as CA Service Virtualization. For more information, see Using CA Service Virtualization.

virtual service model (VSM)

A virtual service model receives service requests and responds to them in the absence of the actual service provider. For more information, see Virtual Service Model (VSM) in Using CA Service Virtualization.