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Building Audit Documents

An audit document lets you set success criteria for a test case in a suite.

An audit document can track:

You can specify audit documents in the Base tab of the suite document editor. Be sure to select the Record All Events check box in the Reports tab.

Audit documents are located in the AuditDocs folder of a project. The file extension is .aud.

When you create a project, the AuditDocs folder contains a default audit document with the name DefaultAudit.aud.

Note: When you use audit documents, test step names cannot contain any short description from the audit document that is used in the test. For example, if Abort is a short description in the audit document, then you cannot use the word Abort in a test step name.

The following graphic shows the audit document editor. The editor contains an Event Audits panel and a Run for Audit Info panel.

Audit Document Editor

To create an audit document:

  1. Select File, New, Test Audit from the main menu.
  2. Enter the name of the audit document, and click OK.

    The audit document editor opens.

  3. To audit events, configure the parameters in the Event Audits panel.
  4. To audit the execution time, configure the parameters in the Run for Audit Info panel.
  5. Select File, Save from the main menu.
Event Audits Panel

The Event Audits panel lets you specify events that must occur or must not occur during a test.

To add an event:

  1. Click Add LISA-- icon_image_whiteplussign.
  2. In the new row, select the event name from the drop-down list in the Event ID column.

    Each row has the following parameters:

    Short Desc Contains

    To filter an event by the value of the short description of the event, enter the keywords from the short description in this column.

    Must See

    Select this check box if the event must occur during the test.

    Must NOT See

    Select this check box if the event must not occur during the test.

    Fail Message

    If this audit fails, a message to log.

  3. Add more rows for each event that you want to include.

    If you try to add event audits that logically conflict with each other, the editor displays a warning message.

    You can rearrange rows by clicking Up icon_image_whiteuparrow and Down LISA--icon_image_whitedownarrow.

    You can delete rows by clicking Delete con_image_whitetrashcanbluebackground.

Run for Audit Info Panel

The Run for Audit Info panel lets you audit the execution time.

This panel has the following parameters:

Audit Run Time

To enable the execution-time audit, select this check box.

Minimum Time

The minimum time (in seconds) that the test must run.

Maximum Time

The maximum time (in seconds) that the test can run and still be considered a successful audit. If there is no maximum time constraint, then enter 0.

Failure Message

If this audit fails, a message to be logged.