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Navigation Tolerance

In a conversation, VSE follows specific rules to determine how to find the next conversational transaction. The sets of rules, also known as navigation tolerances, are:


The transactions must go straight down the tree. The only candidates for the next conversational transaction are the children of the current one.


The default. Wide tolerance allows navigation to the current transaction, the children of the current transaction, the siblings of the current transaction, and the immediate descendants of the sibling (or "nephews"). The order of precedence is as follows:

  1. Children of a current transaction
  2. Children of a sibling
  3. Sibling of a current transaction

The most permissive navigation tolerance. VSE first tries the Close and Wide tolerances, then adds the ability to match the parent of the current transaction, any of the siblings of the parent ("uncles"), the children of the siblings of the parent ("cousins"). If this match fails, navigation is permitted to any transaction in the second or third level of the tree. The order of precedence is as follows:

  1. Children of a current transaction (close tolerance)
  2. Children of a sibling (wide tolerance)
  3. Sibling, or current transaction (wide tolerance)
  4. The siblings of the parent transaction ("uncles") but not their children (not cousins)
  5. The parent transaction or its siblings (parent or "uncles")
  6. The children of the starter transaction for the current conversation (the immediate children of the root of the tree)
  7. The starter transactions for all the conversations in the SI