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Stage a Quick Test

DevTest Workstation lets you run a test case quickly with some minimal setup. A quick test runs the test that is in memory, rather than loading a test case document. A quick test uses a simple prebuilt staging specification with few options. The test has minimal instances so it is easy to stage/run, but lacks much of the functionality of a test staged with a staging document as in the case of a proper test case. A quick test lets you select and monitor events and metrics and view a standard performance report.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a test case in DevTest Workstation.
  2. Select Actions, Stage a Quick Test from the main menu.

    The Stage a Quick Test dialog opens.

    If you have coordinators and simulators that are attached to a registry, it shows you the coordinator or simulator servers attached.

  3. Specify the following parameters:
    Run Name

    The name of the quick test.

    Number of Instances

    The number of concurrent users (instances) to be used. Your license determines the maximum number of users that you can specify.

    Stage Instances To

    The name of the coordinator server where the test is staged.

    If test ends, restart it

    Select this check box to run the test continuously until you stop it manually.

  4. Click OK.

    The Test Monitor window opens.