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Additional Table View Options

In addition to the Web Client menu and toolbar options, you can click the down arrow next to a column heading and sort the object table by that column in ascending or descending order. You can also click the down arrow next to a column heading and specify which columns you want to display or hide. The following is an example of the Web Client's Object Column Headings Options menu, where the down-arrow next to the % Alloc column heading is selected:

Screen shot from Web Client showing the column heading menu containing sort and display columns options.

Note: The Web Client Customize View Wizard also provides sort and column display or hide options.

In addition to the Windows Client Table View menu and toolbar options you can also perform some quick appearance changes to the Table View as follows:

How to perform these changes is explained in the following procedures.

Note: The following Windows Client options and more options for customizing a view are available in the View and Output Definition feature. For more information, see the section Customized Reports.

To Quick Find in Column

Instead of scrolling down to a row you can quickly find a particular item. To do this you can use the Quick Find in Column option by following these steps:

  1. Right click the column heading which contains the item you want to find.

    The Column Options Menu is displayed as shown in the following sample:

    This is a screen shot of the Column Heading Options Menu.

  2. Click the Find option in the Column Options Menu.

    The Find dialog is displayed.

  3. In the Find What field type in the item you want to find. You can type in part of the item, for example if you wanted to find ABC123 then you could type in ABC, ABC1, and so on.
  4. Click Find Next.

    The Table View of the object is updated and the first item containing your find criteria is displayed. If the criterion is not found in the column then you will receive a message advising it is not found.

To Quick Sort on Columns

You can perform quick sorts in the Table View by clicking a column heading title cell and the table will sort by that column in descending order. Click the column heading title cell again and the table will sort by that column in ascending order.

You can also right click a column heading and the Column Options Menu is displayed where you can select the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending options. The following is a sample of the Column Options Menu:

This is a screen shot of the Column Heading Options Menu.

Note: After you have created a Table View column sort in this manner you may want to remove it; to remove a Table View column sort, click the Sort icon and use the Exclude a Field option or the Exclude all Fields option. For more information, see the section Sort Option.

To Quick Color Code a Column

You can highlight certain values in columns by color coding them when specific criteria is met. You have two options for color coding, you can use the Quick Color Code a Column option or you can use the View and Output Destination – Fields option (the View and Output Destination – Fields option, is described in the section Color Code Option).

To use the Quick Color Code a Column option, perform the following steps:

  1. Right click the column heading of the column you want to color code.

    The Column Options Menu is displayed as shown in the following sample:

    This is a screen shot of the Column Heading Options Menu.

  2. Click the Column Color Coding option in the Column Options Menu.

    The Column Color Code dialog is displayed. The following is a sample of the Column Color Code dialog displayed for the Volumes column in the Storage Group Volumes object:

    This is a screen shot example of the Column Color Code dialog.

  3. Click in the first empty Condition cell.

    A down arrow appears on the right side of the cell.

  4. Click the down arrow on the right side of the cell.

    The Condition options are displayed as shown in the following sample:

    This is a screen shot example of the Column Color Code dialog with the Condition options displayed.

  5. Select the condition you want.

    The condition selected is displayed in the cell.

  6. Click in the Value cell of the same row you selected the condition. Type in the value that you want the condition applied to.

    The value is displayed in the cell.

  7. Click the Color cell of the same row you selected the condition and typed in a value.

    The Color dialog is displayed as shown in the following sample:

    This is a screen shot example of the Column Color Coding option Color dialog.

  8. In the Color dialog select the color you want to appear as the background for the items that meet your criteria and click OK.

    The Column Color Code dialog is displayed showing the condition, value and color you have specified.

    The following is an example of the Column Color Code dialog where the condition is ‘=’, the value is ‘ACFQA1‘ and the color is blue for the Volumes column in the Storage Group Volumes object:

    This is a screen shot example of the Column Color Code Dialog completed.

  9. Click OK.

    The Table View of the object is displayed with your color code settings.

  10. In the Table View menu select File and then click Save, to save your settings.

If you save the Table View with the column color code setting then every time you open the object the color codes are applied. To remove the column color coding; display the object, right click the column, select No Colors, and then click OK in the Column Color Code dialog.

Observe the following:

To Move the Freeze Column Line

You can freeze columns so that when you scroll to the right in a Table View, certain columns stay in the view. The black vertical line separating columns is the Freeze Column Line. The following illustration shows the factory default Freeze Column Line for the Storage Group Volumes object:

This is a screen shot example of a Windows Client object with text pointing to the freeze column line.

To include the Type and Volumes columns as Freeze Columns perform the following steps:

Note: You can similarly include as many columns as you want as Freeze columns in any Table View of an object.

  1. Click on the vertical line between the SG Name and the Type columns and drag-and-drop it to the vertical line between the Volume and the CUA1 columns.

    Note: You must click and drag the line anywhere below the column heading portion of the line, that is, it will not work if you click and drag the section of the line between the column headings.

    The Freeze Column Line is now displayed between the Volume and the CUA1 columns as shown in the following sample:

    This a screen shot example of the Freeze Column Line after it is moved to another column.

    When you now scroll to the right in the Storage Group Volumes object the SG Name, Type and Volume columns will always be displayed in the left columns of the view.

  2. In the object view menu click File and then Save, to save your settings.

    If you save your settings then every time you open the object the Freeze Columns line will be where you saved it. Alternatively you can just close the Table View without saving your Freeze Column Line change and the next time you open the Table View for the object the Freeze Column Line will be where it was with the factory setting.

To Return a Table View to Factory Settings

Before you return an object view to factory settings note the following:

To return an object view to factory settings, perform the following steps:

  1. Right click the object in the Object Tree.

    The Object Options Menu is displayed. The following shows a sample of the Object Options Menu:

    This is a screen shot example of the Return To Default Settings options displayed when right clicking an object in the object tree

  2. Click Return to Default Settings.

    A confirmation dialog is displayed.

  3. Click Yes.

    All the changes to the object that you have previously saved will now be replaced with factory default settings. You will see this change the next time you open the object.