Previous Topic: KT Search Engine

Next Topic: Noise Words, Synonyms, and Special Terms

Use the Knowledge Management Search

After you install CA SDM, the Knowledge Management search engine is configured as the default search engine. Searches of the knowledge base are limited to knowledge documents.

You can define accessibility and defaults to all knowledge sources based on a user role. By default, knowledge documents are searchable for all user roles.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Administration tab.

    The Administration console appears.

  2. Click Options Manager, Search Engine.

    The Option List appears.

  3. Click ebr_version.

    The Options Detail page appears.

    Click Edit.The Update Options page appears.

  4. Select KT Search Engine.
  5. Click Save, Refresh.

    The Options Detail page is updated with your selection.

  6. Click Close Window.
  7. Recycle CA SDM services.

See also

Noise Words, Synonyms, and Special Terms

Create Noise Words

Edit a Noise Word

View Noise Words

Create a Special Term

Edit a Special Term

View Special Terms

Create a Synonym

View Synonyms

Edit a Synonym

Parse Settings