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Create Noise Words

Use the Create New Noise Word page to add a new word to the list of words that the product can ignore in documents and queries without affecting search results.

To create a noise word

  1. On the Administration tab, select Knowledge, Search, KT Search Engine, Noise Words.

    The Noise Words List page appears.

  2. Click Create New.
  3. The Create New Noise Word page appears.
  4. Enter the word you want to define as a noise word in the Noise Word FIELD.

    Note: You cannot define a noise word that exists as a synonym or keyword.

  5. Click Save

    The new noise word appears on the Noise Words List page. You can click the Edit button to update the new noise word.

Note: After you create, modify, or delete noise words, special terms, synonyms, or parse settings, use the Knowledge Re-Index utility provided with the product to re-index the knowledge base.