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Create a Synonym

Synonyms are words or phrases that have the same or nearly the same meaning as the keyword with which they are associated.

If you define a new complex synonym (that is, a synonym containing multiple words separated by spaces or other delimiters), also create an identical special term so that the product can treat the synonym as a single entity. For example, if you define "Computer Associates" as a synonym for "CA", also define "Computer Associates" as a special term.

Note: You cannot define a synonym or keyword that exists as a noise word.

To create a synonym

  1. On the Administration tab, browse to Knowledge, Search, KT Search Engine, Synonyms.

    The Synonyms List page appears.

  2. Click Create New.

    The Create New Synonyms page appears.

  3. Enter the word or phrase you want to define as a synonym in the Synonyms field.
  4. Click Save.

    The Create Synonyms page closes and the Synonyms Detail page opens so you can review the word or phrase you added. The new synonym appears on the Synonyms List page.