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View Special Terms

You can view the summary information for each special term.

To view special terms, select the Administration tab, then Knowledge, Search, KT Search Engine, Special Terms.

The Special Terms List page appears, and you can use the following fields to modify the terms that appear by default, or define your own:

Special Term

Defines a special term for which to search. This field only displays when you click Show Filter.

Additional Search Arguments

Defines additional criteria by which to search. This field only displays when you click a More link in the Knowledge Search pane.

Special Terms

Displays words or phrases containing spaces or characters (such as hyphens, slashes, and so on) that the product treats as single keywords when parsing queries. If you entered a word in the Special Term field before clicking Search, the list only displays the specified word. If you entered nothing in the Special Term field, the list displays all special terms defined for the product.

From the Special Terms List page, you can perform the following tasks: