You can display and manage the history of the CI, associated snapshots, milestones, unscheduled changes, and other views. You use the left pane to navigate and the right pane to display CI details and the audit log.
Note: Versioning works similarly for managed attribute history and managed change state history. For example, the Managed Attribute History tab displays versioning information about a managed attribute.
Use versioning information to identify change specifications and the associated Change Orders. Versioning identifies unscheduled changes in the change specifications in the snapshot view that correspond to Change Orders with no scheduled start date. You can view the snapshot and log of a change specification in CACF.
Example: Unscheduled Change
In this example, a user tries to change the value of a managed attribute. You view the Versioning tab on the CI detail page that displays Unscheduled Change in the snapshot. This snapshot displays information about the change, such as the date, time, username, and attribute value.
When you select a snapshot or milestone in the left pane, the right pane displays the attribute values of that CI state, event, or comparison. The left pane can display CI snapshots or milestones by date and time (Basic mode) or by CI characteristics (Advanced mode), and includes the following links to help you manage a CI:
Labels the state of a CI.
Displays unfiltered CI history.
Toggles between snapshot views.
Permits filtering of blank data fields. When not selected, all CI attributes are displayed.
Print or cut-and-paste to save the versioning data on display.
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