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View Snapshot Details

You can view snapshot details in the Basic or Advanced view. For example, the basic view displays a snapshot of an unscheduled change to a CI.

To view snapshot details

  1. Open the object in the user interface and click the Versioning tab.

    A list of existing snapshots appears on the left side of the page.

  2. Click a snapshot.

    Details are displayed in the right pane of the Basic and Advanced views. When you select only single item, the right pane shows information about the selected snapshot, milestone (only for CIs), or standard.

    The displayed data includes the following details and indicators:

    Hide Empty Values

    Permits filtering of blank data fields. When unchecked, all CI attributes are displayed.

    Bolded Value field text

    Indicates that an attribute or relationship has change since the last snapshot was taken. When viewing details for a Standard CI, all values are bold.


    Shows the attribute's previous value and the time of the last change when you hover the cursor over the value. The information appears in text area at the bottom of the Versioning tab.

    “(blank)” Value

    Indicates whether a previous value was cleared.

    Relationship Category

    Shows information about the relationship, including the type and partner CI information.

    MDR Launch in Context and Source Identification

    Provides launch-in-context to a provider MDR from the CI detail entry.

    Note: CIs created in CA SDM or previous versions of CA CMDB can lack MDR and Changed-By information. In addition, CA Cohesion ACM provides MDR launch-in-context for most but not all attributes or relationships.

    Tracks attribute changes back to the source MDR.

    Detects when a CI attribute is updated by more than one MDR. This situation occurs when multiple MDRs contribute data independently to a CI definition.

    Identifies which MDR acts as the authoritative source.