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Export Data

The Versioning Export to CSV page lets you export the snapshot and log information in a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. Data displays in an Export page. The formatted data corresponds to the view you obtained, with rows shown on separate lines with comma-separated column values enclosed in double quotation marks. The filtering and data comparison you select on the Versioning tab is what is formatted for export.

To export CI data

  1. Select an object and click the Versioning tab.
  2. Click the view you want of the CI.

    For example, you click Show Log, a snapshot comparison, milestone (CIs only), and so on.

  3. Click Export.

    The Export Log to CSV for CI page appears.

  4. Use the Select All action (from either context menu or keyboard shortcut).
  5. Use cut and paste to transfer the data from the formatted page to a CSV file or third-party application. For example, you can Export to an Excel spreadsheet.

    The data is exported.