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Use the Advanced View

You can select snapshots in either Basic or Advanced view; the same kinds of versioning data can be displayed in either mode. Advanced view lets you view snapshots based on attribute type, value, and time stamp. Advanced view also lets you make any-to-any comparisons with attributes, milestones, or a Standard CI. A tree hierarchy shows a folder for each attribute of the CI, and each attribute folder contains a history of the values of the attribute. The hierarchy is organized as follows:

     Attribute name
          Attribute value1
          Attribute value2

This hierarchy lets you view history of unique values for any particular attribute at a glance.

To use Advanced view

  1. Open the CI in the user interface and click the Versioning tab.

    Existing snapshots are listed on the left side of the page.

  2. Click Advanced.

    Advanced Selection shows a folder hierarchy.

  3. Navigate the folder hierarchy, and click the folder that includes the information you want to view:

    Lists Snapshots based on date/time, which is identical to the Basic view. The snapshots can be subdivided further based on year/month if there are 30 or more snapshots for the CI. The Standard CI is also listed in this folder if one has been assigned to the focal CI.


    Lists all user defined Milestones, which is identical to the Basic view. The Standard CI is also listed in this folder if one has been assigned to the focal CI.

    Standard CI attributes are displayed as special tree leaf nodes with a "Standard CI". Standard CI values only appear for attributes for which there is a standard CI value; they do not appear for attributes where the value has not been set.


    Contains all the relationships (past and present) for the CI. The folder hierarchy conveys the following information:

         Relationship Type
              Partner CI
                   Status and Date

    Relationship Type specifies the kind of relationship, such as “is contained by”, “hosts” or “communicates with”.

    Partner CI is name of the CI associated with the relationship.

    Status and Date specify the Status of the relationship at the specified Date and Time. Status values include the following ones:

    • Relationship Created—The state of the CI when the Relationship was created.
    • Relationship Terminated—This CI is no longer involved in the relationship. The relationship still exists at the partner end of the relationship, but the focal CI is not involved.
    • Relationship Deleted—The relationship was marked as deleted.
    • Relationship Changed—The relationship was reactivated from deleted state.
    • New Partner and Type—The partner end of the relationship was assigned to a new CI, and the relationship type was changed at the same time.
    • New Relationship Type—The relationship type between two CIs has changed.
    • Partner CI Assigned—The partner end of the relationship has changed.
  4. Click an attribute value.

    The complete state of the CI at the time that the attribute value was set displays.

Example: Use Advanced View to Show Disk Space Attributes

In the following example, Advanced Selection shows that disk space increased from 10 to 20 to 100 GB.

      Disk space
            10 GB
            20 GB
            100 GB

Click any value to see when the change occurred, the state of the other attributes when the change occurred, and the change request number that was open when the disk space was changed.