Previous Topic: CI Versioning Management

Next Topic: Log Filtering

Show Log

The log lets you view configuration item history. The Filter option permits filtering of log rows. Print and Export allow you to print or cut-and-paste to save the versioning data on display.

The Versioning information pane displays the following fields:

Note: The log only displays attribute updates for CIs that were created in previous releases of CA SDM or CA CMDB; it does not display their initial CI attribute values. Relationships that were created in previous releases of CA SDM or CA CMDB do not include audit history information and do not appear in the log.

More information:

Log Filtering

View Configuration Item History

Print a CI Log

CSV Export Support

Integrated CA SDM and CA APM Logs

MDR Launch-in-Context and Source Identification

Attribute Names

Logging Custom Families and Attributes