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CI Family Changes and Snapshots

Family changes can affect a snapshot of a CI.

A snapshot includes the following different kinds of attributes:

When you change the family of a CI, the following snapshot changes occurs:

The family of a CI determines the attributes of the CI. If you change a family-specific attribute and then change the family of the CI, the result is a CI that no longer possesses the family-specific attribute you changed. Changing the family of a CI has no impact on its common attributes.

Example: Change the Family Associated with a CI

This example shows how CI family changes affect a snapshot of a CI.




The CI is in Family1.


One Family1-specific attribute value is changed.


Several common attribute values are changed.


The CI's family is changed from Family1 to Family2. When this occurs, all Family1-specific attributes become unavailable to this CI.


One Family2-specific attribute value is changed.


Several common attributes are changed.


The CI family is changed back to Family1. When this occurs, all Family2-specific attribute values become unavailable to this CI, but previous Family1-specific attribute values are restored.


Several common attributes are changed.


One Family1-specific attribute is changed.

In the example, a snapshot at Time=7 does not contain information from the changes made at Times 3 or 4. Those changes represent changes made to Family2-specific attributes.