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How the Change Management Process Definition Works

When a requester saves a change order with a category that uses the Change Management Process Definition, the Change Management Process Definition automatically invokes.

The following steps describe how the Change Management Process Definition operates in CA SDM:

  1. The requester opens and saves a change order that includes the following information:

    Identifies the person who opened the change order.

    Change Category

    Identifies the change order category.


    Identifies the change order Type such as Standard, Normal, or Emergency Changes. The Type can also update as a part of the Workflow process.


    Describes the reason for the change order.

    Scheduled Start Date

    Identifies the start date.


    Specifies the estimated length of time for the change.


    Identifies at least one affected CI.

    The Change Management Process Definition launches. The requester receives an email notification to complete the Risk Assessment Survey.

  2. The requester reviews the change order and completes the Risk Assessment Survey that describes how the change order affects servers, applications, and users.

    The Change Management Process Definition analyzes the answers to determine the risk and assure that the change order follows the appropriate process path. The requester receives an email notification to perform conflict and impact analysis.

  3. During conflict and impact analysis, the requester checks for scheduling conflicts and analyzes the impact of the change order on CIs.

    The requester receives an email notification to perform change analysis.

  4. During change analysis, the requester identifies and submits the type of change, reason for the change, business impact, and overall impact of the change.

    The change manager receives an email notification to approve the change order. If the change order is a high risk, the CAB group also receives a notification.

  5. The change manager reviews the change analysis and enters comments about the review. The change manager approves, rejects, or marks the change order as incomplete.

    The system updates the Change Order Detail page accordingly and responds with one of the following actions:

  6. For approved change orders, a member of the implementation group confirms the start of the implementation and implements the change.

    The change order shows Status-Implementation in progress.

  7. When the work is complete, the implementation manager, completes the Post Implementation Review (PIR) to describe details about the outcome of the change.

    CA Workflow closes the change order. The change order shows a Closure Code and Status-Implemented.

More information:

How to Set Up the Change Management Process Definition

How to Implement the Risk Survey

View Default Risk Surveys