Previous Topic: Perform Conflict and Impact Analysis

Next Topic: Approve, Reject, or Mark a Change Order as Incomplete

Perform Change Analysis

During change analysis, the requester identifies and records the following information:

To perform change analysis

  1. Open the change order by clicking the email notification link.

    The Change Order Detail page appears.

  2. On the Workflow Tasks tab, click the Requester Change Analysis Form link.

    The Tasks page appears.

  3. On the Tasks Tab, click the Perform link.

    The Change Analysis page appears.

  4. On the Chg Analysis Tab, answer the questions to confirm the change order and click Submit. For example, summarize your analysis and explain the purpose of the change order. If necessary, specify whether the change order is a repeat or a rework. Summarize the business impact and overall impact of the change.

    Based on the change type and risk, the system performs the following actions: