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Complete the Post Implementation Review

When the work finished, the implementation group completes the Post Implementation Review (PIR) that describes the outcome of the change. As a member of the implementation group, you typically complete the PIR three to seven days following implementation of the change order. However, the Change Management Process Definition sets a default delay of ten seconds for the assignment of this task.

To complete the Post Implementation Review

  1. Log in to CA SDM as a member of the implementation group and open the change order.

    The Change Order Detail page appears.

  2. On the Workflow Tasks tab, click the Post Implementation Review link.

    The Task List appears.

  3. On the Tasks tab, click the Perform link.

    The PIR page appears.

  4. On the PIR tab, answer the questions to describe the resolution and click Submit.

    The Change Order Detail page shows Status-Closed.