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The Primary Commands in Edit

The following describes all of the primary commands available when editing a schedule:


Controls the display of the words ON and OFF in the CMDS column in addition to the colors green and red when displaying active or inactive links. The default is OFF.


The default setting of the PF3 key. Enter this command to return to the Schedule List.


Controls tracing for use by CA technicians.

Default: OFF


The default setting of the PF10 key. Issue this command from the Links Control Panel to toggle the CMDS column to the periods. Issue this command from the State panel to execute the SHOW PRIOR command.


Controls tracing for use by CA technicians.

Default: OFF

REPORT [args]

Print formatted schedule data to a data set. Optional args control what schedule data is printed and to where it is printed. See REPORT Command—Print Schedule Manager Data.


The default setting of the PF11 key. Issue this command from the Links Control Panel to toggle the CMDS column to the resources. Issue this command from the State panel to execute the SHOW NEXT command.


Display in the Conflicts panel periods that overlap in time and contain at least one conflicting link to a common resource. For more information, see View Schedule Conflicts.


Display link items in the Links Control panel. Use the L line command to display link groups. This is the default display. For more information, see Understanding the Links Control Panel.


Display the next potential state change (period start or stop) after the state currently being displayed in the State panel. For more information, see View Potential State Changes in this chapter.


Display in the Overlaps panel periods that overlap in time. For more information, see View Schedule Overlaps in this chapter.


Issue the SHOW PRIOR command.


Display the last potential state change (period start or stop) before the state currently being displayed in the State panel. For more information, see View Potential State Changes in this chapter.


Display the scheduled state of resources in the State panel. For more information, see SHOW STATES Command—View the Scheduled State of Resources in this chapter.


Controls tracing for use by CA technicians.

Default: OFF