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View Potential State Changes

From the State panel, you can view the scheduled state of system resources at the next or previous scheduled period start or stop time. The next or previous scheduled period start or stop time is the next or previous time for a potential change to the scheduled state of system resources. Schedule Manager does not verify that there is an actual change in the scheduled state of any system resources at the time of potential change.

To view potential state changes

  1. Issue the following command:

    The scheduled state of system resources at the time of the next scheduled period start or end displays.

  2. From the State panel, press the PF11 key or issue the RIGHT command to automatically execute the command SHOW NEXT.

    After issuing a SHOW NEXT command from the State panel shown on the previous page, the following State panel would appear. Note the short help message in the upper right corner of the screen, indicating that the period has started or stopped (in this example, period WEEKDAY has stopped).

    Schedule Manager ----- State at 1600 on 02/21/2005 (MON) -------- WEEKDAY ENDS Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR | CMDS: F N R + ++ - -- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- - ___ -ACF2_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK WEEKEVENING .MTWTF. 1600-2400 - ON_ | |-ACF2 - ___ -CICS_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK - ___ | |-CICS - ___ | |-CICSTEST - ___ -DB2_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK - ___ | |-DB2 - ___ -IMS_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK - ___ | |-IMS - ___ -JES2_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK WEEKEVENING .MTWTF. 1600-2400 - ON_ | |-JES2 - ___ -TSO_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK WEEKEVENING .MTWTF. 1600-2400 - ON_ | |-TCAS - ___ | |-TCASTEST

  3. Issue the following commands to see you the scheduled state of system resources at the time of the most recent period start or stop that occurred:
    [SHOW] PREVious


  4. Press the PF10 key or issue the command LEFT from the State panel to automatically execute the command SHOW PRIOR.

    After issuing a SHOW PRIOR command from the previous State panel, the State panel would look like the one below. Note that except for the time stamp, this display is identical to the first State panel sample display at time 1400. No periods start or stop between 1300 and 1400, therefore, no scheduled state changes can occur.

    Schedule Manager ----- State at 1300 on 02/21/2005 (MON) -------EVERYNOON ENDS Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR | CMDS: F N R + ++ - -- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- - ___ -ACF2_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK WEEKDAY .MTWTF. 0800-1600 - ON_ | |-ACF2 - ___ -CICS_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK WEEKDAY .MTWTF. 0800-1600 - ON_ | |-CICS WEEKDAY .MTWTF. 0800-1600 - OFF | |-CICSTEST - ___ -DB2_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK - ___ | |-DB2 - ___ -IMS_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK WEEKDAY .MTWTF. 0800-1600 - ON_ | |-IMS - ___ -JES2_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK WEEKDAY .MTWTF. 0800-1600 - ON_ | |-JES2 - ___ -TSO_STCTBL - ___ |-STASK WEEKDAY .MTWTF. 0800-1600 - ON_ | |-TCAS WEEKDAY .MTWTF. 0800-1600 - OFF | |-TCASTEST