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View Schedule Conflicts

When two overlapping periods (discussed in the previous section Viewing Schedule Overlaps) each contain a link to the same resource, there may be a schedule conflict. A schedule conflict occurs when one of the links schedules the state of the resource to active and the other link schedules the state of the resource to inactive.

To identify schedule conflicts, issue the following command from the command line of the Links Control panel:

[SHOW] CONFlicts

If no schedule conflicts exist, then you receive the short help message NO CONFLICTS in the upper right corner of the display you are currently in.

Issuing a SHOW CONFLICTS command while editing the sample schedule PRODUCTION would result in the following sample Conflicts panel being displayed:

Schedule Manager ------------------- Overlaps ------------------- System:OPS44R Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR CMDS: A D I L LC LD LX + ++ - -- | ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ___ EVERYNOON SMTWTFS 1200-1300 | -ACF2_STCTBL ___ WENDLITE S.....S 0800-2000 | |-STASK ___ | | |-ACF2 ___ XMASLITE03 12/24/2007-12/25 0800-2000 | -CICS_STCTBL ___ XMASALL03 12/25/2007 0000-2400 | |-STASK | | |-CICS | | |-CICSTEST | -DB2_STCTBL | |-STASK | | |-DB2 | -IMS_STCTBL | |-STASK | | |-IMS | -JES2_STCTBL | |-STASK | | |-JES2 | -TSO_STCTBL | |-STASK | | |-TCAS | | |-TCASTEST

The Conflicts display of a schedule is identical to its Overlaps display, except that non-conflicting schedule overlaps are filtered out and only those schedule overlaps that contain conflicting links are listed.

The first period listed in each conflict pair is the period that sets the desired state of the resource.

Line commands L and LX are available to display defined links. Line commands C and CX are available to display only the links in conflict.

More information:

How Schedule Manager Resolves Schedule Conflicts