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REPORT Command—Print Schedule Manager Data

While editing a schedule, issue the REPORT commands at the command line to save to disk the same schedule information that is displayed by the SHOW commands.

Similar to the SHOW commands, the following are the REPORT commands:


Report the SHOW display currently being viewed in Edit.


Close the report data set and stop it from receiving any more REPORT output.


Report conflicts between periods.


Report links between periods and system resources.


Open the specified dsn or default report data set.


Report overlapping periods.


Report the scheduled state of all your system resources.

Note: All of the command options available on the SHOW STATES command are also available on the REPORT STATES command.

Issuing the REPORT command by itself without any command options results in Schedule Manager reporting the SHOW display currently being viewed.

The first REPORT command to be issued with or without any command options creates a default report data set that is named using the following template:


Following is a description of the values in this template:


The default value returned by the standard OPDSPF() REXX routine, or the TSO userid of the user if OPSDSPF() returns null.

Note: If OPDSPF() is not customized by the user, then it returns a default value of either the TSO PREFIX setting, if one exists, or the TSO userid of the user.


The system ID of the CA OPS/MVS system on which the schedule resides.


The leftmost eight non-blank characters of the schedule name excluding any underscore characters.


The current date without the high-order year digit (millennium).


The current time of day in 24-hour military time.

You may optionally specify your own report data set name by issuing the following command first before issuing any other REPORT commands:

REPORT OPEN datasetname

The datasetname may be specified with or without quotes (' or "). If the datasetname is specified without quotes, then it is prefixed by hlq as described above.

Any errors that occur while attempting to allocate either the default or user-specified report data set result in the Dataset Creation Attributes panel being displayed. From there you are able to alter the data set name for allocation re-try by Schedule Manager, or SWAP into another ISPF screen to allocate the data set using ISPF, batch JCL, TSO commands, and so on.

After the first REPORT command completes, the output from any subsequent REPORT commands issued are appended to the end of the same report data set. The report data set is closed after each REPORT command completes and can be viewed, printed, copied, edited, and so on.

To close the report data set and stop it from receiving any more REPORT output, the user must issue the following command:


Note: Issue the HELP command after the REPORT CLOSE command returns to display the name of the report data set that was closed.