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Understand the Links Control Panel

The Links Control panel of the Schedule Manager controls basic editing functions for schedules.

You can use the Links Control panel, shown next, to do the following:

You can return to the Links Control panel of the schedule you are editing at any time by issuing the following primary command:


The following is a sample Links Control panel:

Schedule Manager ---------------- Links Control ----------------- System:OPS44R Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR CMDS: A D I L LC LD LX + ++ - -- | ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- -PRODUCTION | -ACF2_STCTBL |-WENDLITE S.....S 0800-2000 | |-STASK |-WENDDARK S.....S 2000-3200 | | |-ACF2 |-EVERYNOON SMTWTFS 1200-1300 | -CICS_STCTBL |-WEEKDAY .MTWTF. 0800-1600 | |-STASK |-WEEKEVENING .MTWTF. 1600-2400 | | |-CICS |-WEEKNIGHT .MTWTF. 2400-3200 | | |-CICSTEST |-THNXLITE03 11/27/2007-11/28 0800-2000 | -DB2_STCTBL |-THNXDARK03 11/27/2007-11/28 2000-3200 | |-STASK |-XMASLITE03 12/24/2007-12/25 0800-2000 | | |-DB2 |-XMASDARK03 12/24/2007-12/25 2000-3200 | -IMS_STCTBL |-XMASALL03 12/25/2007 0000-2400 | |-STASK |-XMASEVERY 12/25 0000-2400 | | |-IMS |-DEFAULT | -JES2_STCTBL | |-STASK | | |-JES2 | -TSO_STCTBL | |-STASK | | |-TCAS | | |-TCASTEST | (4) (1) (2) | (3)

Each of the following numbered paragraphs describes the fields on the Links Control panel designated with a number in bold:

  1. The Period Names Column
  2. The period names column contains the name of the schedule being edited (-PRODUCTION in this example) followed by the names of periods belonging to the schedule.
  3. The Period Definitions Column

    The period definitions column displays when the period is active (that is, the days of the week or dates that the period is active, followed by the period start and stop times).

    A seven-character combination of dots and letters is used to display the days of the week when a cyclic period is active. The first character represents Sunday, the second character represents Monday, and so on, with the last character representing Saturday. If a period is to be active on a given day, then you see the first letter of the name of the day. A dot indicates that the period does not take effect on that day. Using this example, period WENDLITE is active on Sunday and Saturday (S…..S), period WEEKDAY is active Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (.MTWTF.), and period EVERYNOON is active every day of the week (SMTWTFS).


  4. The Resources Column

    The resources column contains nested information about your system resources. The Schedule Manager gets this information from the SSM_MANAGED_TBLS table. The values starting in the leftmost position are the names of the System State Manager tables, such as table ‑ACF2_STCTBL in this example. The values nested one level below the table names are the names of resource types, such as type ‑STASK in this example. The values nested at the lowest level are resource names, such as resource -ACF2 in this example.

  5. The CMDS Column

    The CMDS column contains fields for entering the line commands listed on the CMDS line of the panel. Line commands can be issued against either periods or resources by positioning the CMDS column in the appropriate place on the panel. To position the CMDS column to enter the commands against periods, press the PF10 key or issue the LEFT command. This is the default display, shown in the previous example.

    To position the CMDS column to issue line commands against resources, press the PF11 key or issue the RIGHT command. The following is an example of the Links Control panel after the PF11 key was pressed or the RIGHT command was issued to toggle the CMDS column. Note that the list of valid line commands changes according to where the CMDS column is positioned.

Schedule Manager ---------------- Links Control ----------------- System:OPS44R Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR | CMDS: F L LD LX N R + ++ - -- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- -PRODUCTION | ___ -ACF2_STCTBL |-WENDLITE S.....S 0800-2000 | ___ |-STASK |-WENDDARK S.....S 2000-3200 | ___ | |-ACF2 |-EVERYNOON SMTWTFS 1200-1300 | ___ -CICS_STCTBL |-WEEKDAY .MTWTF. 0800-1600 | ___ |-STASK |-WEEKEVENING .MTWTF. 1600-2400 | ___ | |-CICS |-WEEKNIGHT .MTWTF. 2400-3200 | ___ | |-CICSTEST |-THNXLITE03 11/27/2007-11/28 0800-2000 | ___ -DB2_STCTBL |-THNXDARK03 11/27/2007-11/28 2000-3200 | ___ |-STASK |-XMASLITE03 12/24/2007-12/25 0800-2000 | ___ | |-DB2 |-XMASDARK03 12/24/2007-12/25 2000-3200 | ___ -IMS_STCTBL |-XMASALL03 12/25/2007 0000-2400 | ___ |-STASK |-XMASEVERY 12/25 0000-2400 | ___ | |-IMS |-DEFAULT | ___ -JES2_STCTBL | ___ |-STASK | ___ | |-JES2 | ___ -TSO_STCTBL | ___ |-STASK | ___ | |-TCAS | ___ | |-TCASTEST | (1) (2) | (4) (3)