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The command cadsmcmd

The CLI provides support for a number of CA Client Automation components like Common Objects (CO), Common Configuration (CCNF), Software Delivery (USD), and OS Installation Management (OSIM).

The CLI only provides support if the required services are available at the addressed manager. For example, if SD is not installed at the manager then the CLI does not process any command that requires SD or OSIM services but reports an error (CMD000041).

The CLI offers a number of different interfaces the user may use according to solve automation problems. CLI syntax:

cadsmcmd	[local managersystem]
{ batch filename | command | pipe pipename | verbose [loop] }

The keywords, commands, and parameter names of the CLI are case insensitive but “cadsmcmd” itself. Parameter values are case sensitive.

The cadsmcmd writes its output to stdout (standard output). It can easily be re-directed into a pipe or file for subsequent processing by a script. When cadsmcmd starts it records some general information on stdout that looks as follows:

CA IT Client Manager r12
ITCM Command Line Version 12.8.0.xxxx
Copyright (c) 2014 CA. All rights reserved

Trace Mode: Off

Connecting to manager “<default manager>” as user “<default user>” … OK.
Manager: myManager
Domain: myDomain
Domain type: Enterprise
Supporting CO CCNF USD

The figures in the second line identify the build number of the cadsmcmd. “Trace Mode” line indicates whether the CLI trace is active or not. In this example, the trace is inactive.

The “Connecting” line records how the CLI logs on to the manager.

The “Manager” records the name of the manager the CLI is connected to, and the “Domain” presents the name of the system the database is located. This might be the same name if the database is located at the manager.

The “Domain type” line is indicating the type of manager the CLI is connected to. “Enterprise” means that the manager is an Client Automation enterprise manager while “Domain” indicates a Client Automation domain manager.

The last line indicates the support provided by the CLI during the current session.

CO means Common Object support and CCNF means Common Configuration support. As CO and CCNF represent base components of Client Automation, they are always available.

USD is indicating SD support and OSIM is indicating OS Installation Management support.

The behavior of the CLI depends on the options coded when invoked. The meaning of these options as defined in the syntax definition.

This section contains the following topics:








Non Privileged Users


The Trace Option



Length Restrictions


Using Filters