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During the installation, the CLI might be assigned to a default Client Automation manager. When invoking cadsmcmd without the “local” keyword, the cadsmcmd connects to this default manager.

If another manager than the default one has to be addressed or if there is no default manager, use the “local” keyword. Separated by at least one blank, the “local” is followed by the name of the manager to be addressed (managersystem).

Assume the default manager for a CLI is “defmgr” and another manager is called “mgr_1”. To invoke the verbose interface for the default manager, code the following:

cadsmcmd verbose

The CLI records this default manager in his “Connecting” message on stdout.

Connecting to manager “<default manager>” as user “<default user>”…

To invoke the manager “mgr_1,” specify the following:

cadsmcmd local mgr_1 verbose

The related “Connecting” message looks like:

Connecting to manager “mgr_1” as user “<default user>”…

The manager addressed by the local option can be an enterprise or a domain manager regardless whether the default manager is a domain or an enterprise manager.

Note: The formerly used at-sign “@” for addressing arbitrary managers has become obsolete. If it is coded it is ignored.