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Using Filters

Some list methods use filters to confine the amount of information listed.

Filters are expressions constructed from atomic expressions using operators of propositional logic like && (and), || (or), and ! (not), following the subsequent rules:

The valid atomic expressions depend on the objects to be listed. These atomic expressions have the following Syntax

attributename operand value

Following are the valid attribute names for new and already existing list methods:




The attribute value is of type string


The attribute value is a 4 byte integer


The attribute value is of date type YYYY-MM-DD


The attribute value is of time type hh:mm where hh indicates the hour in 24 hour notation and mm the minutes


Is a combined date and time notation YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm according to ISO standard.

The following operands are valid and are true:





If the attribute value matches the specified value

If the attribute value is equal to the specified value


If the attribute value does not match the specified value

If the attribute value is not equal to the specified value


If the attribute value is lexicographically less than the specified value

If the attribute value is less than the specified value


If the attribute value is lexicographically greater than the specified value

If the attribute value is greater than the specified value

In case of "=" or "!=" the specified value may contain the wild character '*' to indicate an arbitrary string, even an empty one.

Attributes of type Date, Time or DateTime are handled like attributes of type string.

Sometimes attributes allow a union of distinct values only. Unless stated otherwise, these attributes are handled like attributes of type string.


cadsmcmd compgroup action=list filter="(Group type=Group && Scope=local)"

In case the filter is created using a single expression, you need not use the brackets.

Note: If an attribute in an atomic expression is misspelled or an attribute does not apply to an object, the atomic expression evaluates to true unless stated otherwise.