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You can directly invoke the cadsmcmd with a CLI command and its required parameter settings. The CLI establishes a session to the manager, processes the command, and terminates the session. The CLI records the command output and status information on stdout. Launching the following command provides the subsequent output:

cadsmcmd targetComputer action=list

CA IT Client Manager r12
ITCM Command Line Version 12.8.0.xxxx
Copyright (c) 2014 CA. All rights reserved.

Trace mode: Off

Connecting to manager "<default manager>" as user "<default user>" ... ok.
Manager: mymanager
Domain: mydomain
Domain type: Domain
Supporting: CO CCNF USD OSIM 

List of target computers
mgr_1(scalability server; Win Server 2003 Intel; Boot server)
mgr_1/Administrator(computer user; Win Server 2003 Intel)
scal_2(scalability server; Win 2000 Intel; Boot server)
scal_2/Administrator(computer user; Win 2000 Intel)
comp_0(computer; Any)
comp_1(computer; Win XP Intel)

List of un-named and OSIM un-managed computers
FF:FF:42:65:13:7E(---; ---; BMS un-managed, mgr_1)
FF:FF:42:65:13:83(---; ---; BMS un-managed, scal_2)

Total number of target computers: 6
Number of un-named and OSIM un-managed systems shown: 2
SDCMD<A000000>: OK