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Information on Specific Requests

For messages to provide information on the specific request that triggered the notification, the Notification Message Title or Notification Message Body fields must contain an attribute in the activity log object that references the request object. Enter this reference in this format:


Indicates to replace this expression.


The attribute in the activity log object that links it to a specific instantiation of the request object (cr).


Any attribute in the cr object.

For example, to include the impact of the request in the message title, enter this in the Notification Message Title field (along with the rest of what you want in the title):


To identify the affected resource in the message body, enter this in the Notification Message Body field (along with the rest of what you want in the body):


If you want to reopen a specific request by number, and want the message to appear as follows, use the following syntax:

Reopen Request @{call_req_id.ref_num}

There are several other mechanisms by which messages can be sent which are in the context of the request itself (or change order or issue). When the context is the request itself, you do not need (and cannot use) the "call_req_id" part of the reference. So, in these cases, you need to use:

"@{ref_num}" rather than "@{call_req_id.ref_num}"