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Web Interface Customization

The CA SDM web interface (also referred to as the browser interface) provides you with CA SDM functionality through the Internet. This functionality includes the ability to open, update, or close tickets, display and post announcements, and access supporting data tables. It enables independent browsing of the knowledge base to help reduce the number of calls to the service desk and speeding resolution times. The web interface can be fully customized and can be used with many web browsers.

If you installed and configured the web interface, you can integrate it into your existing web interface and customize it to suit your needs. For customization, be familiar with HTML and the web browser in use at your site.

Note: WSP Design view works for CA SDM controls (PDM_MACROs). When working on forms that do not contain CA SDM controls, you can only work on the Source tab. The Employee and Customer web forms do not contain CA SDM controls and therefore appear on the Source tab rather than the Design tab. Some Analyst forms do not contain CA SDM controls, and therefore would appear on the Source tab too.

Important! CA SDM r12.9 no longer uses any customized .mac files for pdm_macro in the $NX_ROOT$\site\mods\www\macro directory. You cannot customize macros.

Important! Technical support cannot provide assistance with design or debugging of customizations (including documentation, such as online help systems). We provide general information for customizing the CA SDM web interface. When doing so, be aware that you are solely responsible for your own customizations. CA SDM technical support can assist you in interpreting and understanding customization.

Support for the customization techniques here extends to helping ensure that the techniques and facilities perform as documented. Be careful not to exploit undocumented features or to extend documented features beyond their documented capabilities. Such exploitation is not supported and can result in system problems or instability that may appear unrelated to the customization. For this reason, support may ask you to remove customizations to reproduce the problems. Sites should prepare for this eventuality by carefully following the guidelines on placing all modifications in the site mods directory tree and maintaining change logs. Sites that make frequent, complex, or extensive changes should consider approaching CA SDM customization as a software engineering project with disciplined source control, testing, and controlled releases to production.

Migrating customizations between releases can present unique challenges, and we have developed the product in ways to preserve the efforts put into customization. However, we always assume that the product has been customized only as documented in this guide, particularly with regard to placement of all customizations in the site mods tree. In addition, if Level Two support supplies a patch to a system, the patch is written with these same assumptions. Patching or upgrading a system with undisciplined customizations is a risky undertaking that often results in costly system down time. Avoid it by following this guide and practicing sound software engineering principles.

Note: For information about how to secure and configure the web interface, see the Administration Guide.