For messages to provide information on the specific change order that triggered the notification, the Notification Message Title or Notification Message Body fields must contain an attribute in the activity log object that references the change order object. Enter the reference in this format:
In this reference, the following information applies:
Indicates to replace this expression.
The attribute in the activity log object that links it to a specific instantiation of the change order object (chg).
Any attribute in the chg object.
For example, to include the priority of the change order in the message title, enter the following in the Notification Message Title field, along with the rest of what you want in the title:
To identify who reported the change order (Affected End User) in the message body, enter the following in the Notification Message Body field, along with the rest of what you want in the body:
If you want to reopen a specific change order by number, and want the message to appear as follows, use the following syntax:
Reopen Change Order @{change_id.chg_ref_num}
Note: For messages to provide information about an issue that triggered a notification, the Notification Message Title or Notification Message Body fields must contain an attribute in the activity log object that references the issue object, iss. Using the information for requests and change orders presented in this section, along with the information about objects and attributes in the CA SDM Technical Reference Guide, you can see how to accomplish this.
For example, to include the priority of the issue in the message title, enter the following in the Notification Message Title field, along with the additional information you want in the title:
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