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Reservation Details

You can scroll down on the home page to view a list of My Reserved Systems. When you click a Reservation Id link, this Reservation Details page opens. This page shows more information about the reservation.

Request Details Area

In the Request Details area at the top of the page, you can edit the fields for email address, project ID, and notes. Click the Save button.

You can also perform the following actions by selecting from the Actions menu on the right:

Reserved Systems area

In the Reserved Systems area at the bottom of the page, you can select a system and use the following options on the Actions menu:

Return System

Lets you remove a system that you no longer need without canceling the reservation.

System Details

Displays a dialog that shows the number of CPUs and megabytes of memory. You can increase or decrease these values.

The following additional options may be available if the administrator enabled these features: