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Managed Change States

CACF uses managed change states to indicate which Change Order statuses CACF manages. CACF uses managed change states to control how or when to apply change verification for CI updates made to the system. You can customize these change states to suit the needs of your organization.

You configure managed change states on the Administration tab in the CA CMDB, Configuration Control, Managed Change States node.

Note: CACF ignores Change Orders in a Change Order state that is listed in the Managed Change States.

The following list describes the Managed Change States options:

Change Specifications Editable

Specifies whether you can edit the change specifications for a Change Order. Typically, after a change request receives approval, you cannot change the request, and updates are restricted to performing a small set of override options in the Verification in Progress state.

Change Verification Active

Specifies whether changes discovered for a CI while the Change Order is in this status are considered for change verification. Change orders and their related change specifications are compared with any inbound transactions to verify that they were executed successfully.

CACF monitors all CIs for any changes to their managed attribute values. As CACF verifies each attribute level change to the CI, CACF compares it against a list of change specifications which are in a change verification active state.

After a change specification enters this state, any change specification without a specific CI undergoes expansion. This expansion occurs where new change specifications are created using the list of CIs attached to the Change Order.

After a change specification exits this state, the list of change specifications with a verify status of Set After Change Executed complete. This action updates the CI with the planned values, as specified in each change specification.

Implementation State

Specifies whether the state represents a state when the changes are being executed or implemented on the CI. When a Change Order enters this transitional state, it is understood that the attribute values in the CI are volatile and may be updated as requested by the pending change specifications. CACF cannot consider these changes rogue changes, but it also cannot consider the changes for final verification. Typically, the change verification process should only compare the inbound attribute data after the Change Order executes completely.

Show Change Specification Override Buttons

Specifies whether the Change Analyst can control change specifications, and what level of control is given. In some implementations, the Change Analyst can edit change specifications as necessary, while in other implementations, the Change Analyst can override or cancel the change specification.

Promote Change Order after Verification

Specifies whether a Change Order promotes to the next default state automatically after CACF verifies all the change specifications.