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Managed Attributes

Managed attributes indicate those eligible CI attributes for change verification by CACF. By default, this list contains CI Name and Any Managed Attribute. You add CI attributes that you want managed as part of your change verification strategy. Define managed attributes as part of your change verification strategy in the Configuration Control, Managed Attributes node in the CA CMDB section of the Administration tab.

CACF does not consider unmanaged attributes (attributes not listed) for change verification. These unmanaged attributes update as usual.

Important! Change verification ignores unmanaged attributes and lets them update the CI, unless a verification policy specifies the Always Cancel Entire Transaction behavior.

Note: Case sensitivity in the managed attribute definition only applies when CACF compares the change specification planned value with the inbound CI transaction data. Case sensitivity does not apply to the selection patterns in the policy, which are always case-sensitive.

For a list of CI attribute names, see the CA CMDB Technical Reference Guide.