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Managing Failed Verifications

When a verification fails, the CMDB, Configuration Audit, Failed Verifications node in the scoreboard lists the number of failed verifications and change specifications that require manual intervention in a red color. The Change Specifications can also be viewed under the Change Specifications tab in the Change Order, CI or Administration tab with the verify status of "Failed Verification". When a verification fails, the Change Analyst can intervene or wait until the next discovery occurs.

If the managed change state allows the Show Change Specification Override Buttons action, the Change Analyst can open the change specification, review the data, and click one of the following options to close the verification by moving it to a final state:

Accept Discovered Value

The Analyst determines that the change specification is incorrect and that the discovery tool has discovered the correct value.

Accept Planned Value

The Analyst determines that the discovery tool is wrong or has not performed discovery, and to accept planned value, as if it was discovered correctly.


This portion of the Change Order was not executed and this specification was canceled.