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Configuration Audit and Control Facility (CACF)

Configuration Audit and Control Facility (CACF) unifies three disciplines, Change Management, Configuration Management (CMDB), and Discovery Management to verify that changes are executed accurately and no unauthorized changes occur.

Change verification helps ensure that the CMDB reflects any changes accurately, and the Discovery Management tools verify the changes.

Change verification provides the following benefits:

Change Management
Configuration Management

CACF has two major sections, the CMDB administrative interface and the change management interface that the following sections cover in more detail.

More information:

CACF Administration and Policy Definition

Managed Attributes

Managed Change States

Change Specifications

How Change Verification Occurs

How to Archive and Purge Audit Data

Implement a Change Verification Strategy

Planning and Implementing Change Verification

Change Verification Best Practices

Verify a CI Attribute Value Update Manually

Example: Allow Rogue Updates Only From a Specific Location

Example: Upgrade Laptops in Your Organization

Example: Lock Down Nonverified Change Orders

Example: Allow a CI Update If No Matching Change Order Exists

Example: Defer All Updates from CA Configuration Automation to the TWA

Example: Only Log the Policy Results as a Test

Example: Reject a CI Update

Example: Allow Change Orders Created Without Specifications

Example: Do Not Allow Change Orders Created Without Specifications

Example: Allow Rogue Inserts from Selected Sources

Example: Allow a Rogue Update for a Nonproduction CI