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Default Managed Change States

You can define Change Order states during which change specifications are created, overwritten, verified, or ignored.

The following list describes the default managed change state definitions provided by CA SDM as an example:


Define the Change Order specifications in this state, but are not considered during change verification. Changes to the CI detected while the Change Order is in this state are typically considered as rogue.

Approval in Progress

Change specifications in this state have the same characteristics as RFC and are editable and not considered for verification.

After Change Order approval, the change specifications are approved as part of the same approval process. CACF prohibits additional modifications to the specification and provides full auditing.

Implementation in Progress

Changes to CIs may occur, but are not considered rogue or used for verification. You may want to change the definition of this change state to let verification occur for Change Orders in this state.

Verification in Progress

Change specifications cannot be edited, but an analyst can override them. Change verification is active in this state.